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How to Get What You Want 101?

Writer's picture: Andy HarrisonAndy Harrison

What if getting what you want was wayyyy easier than you have ever thought it could be?

What if having what shows up in your experience of physical reality be in alignment with what you would choose (or even better) is as simple as understanding how the process works.

Would you be curious?

As I’ve written about before, many breakthroughs in modern science have come to the conclusion that the essence of what we are made of is all possible realities that could ever exist.

This idea can be a little less than easy to bring back to your day day life and make use of but let’s consider this:

What if as you are sitting (or standing) here reading these words, there are a billion possible realities – actual separate versions of yourself, the room you are in, the planet Earth and every other person, to which you could shift to in the next moment?

What if each of these billion separate realities has it’s very own history and future that is completely separate from each of the other realities?

What if in fact you actually are shifting to separate realities every moment and that is what creates the illusion of things changing and moving forward in time?

So for example, as you are reading these words there exists a reality where you have already gotten everything that you ever thought you wanted and also there is another reality that exists where you have already gotten everything you don’t want and there are a billion other versions that contain everything in between those scenarios including the realities where you get things that are wayyyy more awesome than you have yet imagined.

What if this is actually what is happening?

Would you look at your choices differently today? Would you ask different questions? Would your choices about what to do next change?

If this is actually what is happening, that every possible version of reality is happening at every moment and we are actually shifting to different ones each moment, wouldn’t we want to know A) If we have the ability to choose which version of reality we experience? And B) How do we choose to experience the versions of reality that we want?

Let’s consider that each reality operates at a unique frequency of energy, just like radio or television waves do, so that you can only experience one particular version of reality if you are “tuned” into that particular frequency of energy.

So by understanding how to “tune” into the frequency of energy of the reality you want, you then have the ability to choose which version of reality you shift to.

You’ve probably experienced this process more than once in your life, where you have changed your frequency of energy by making different choices, letting go of old beliefs etc and noticed that almost everything seams different in your life. This happens all the time but maybe we just haven’t seen the whole picture of what’s actually happening before; that we are actually shifting to completely different versions of ourselves, other people, the planet etc.

So what if the answer to the first question A)Do we have the ability to choose which version of reality we experience, Is yes?

Then we would probably be super curious about the answer to question B) How do we do it then?

So what if, again, as you are reading these words, you know that there are versions of reality that you could shift to in the very next moment where your life already contains everything you have ever wanted? What if you also know there are versions of reality that you could shift to in the very next moment where your life already contains things that are even better than anything you have ever imagined?

What if you also knew that you could shift to these versions of reality simply by “tuning” into the right frequency of energy?

Wouldn’t you be pretty much be out of your mind excited to know how to do this? Wouldn’t the old idea of creating a 10 year plan seam more than a little ridiculous?

What if we already know how to tune into the frequencies of energy that correspond to the versions of reality that we want most?

What if we have simply never been taught A) that shifting to different versions of reality of our choice is even a possibility and B) that we have a built in mechanism in place that is always attempting to guide us to the versions of reality that are the best for us; we simply need to start paying attention to it.

What if our feelings of excitement ARE our built in mechanism for guiding us to the versions of reality that we most want to experience every moment?

So every time we are experiencing excitement about something, that means we have shifted to the best version of reality in that moment.

Also anytime we are feeling less than excited about something, that means we have shifted into a version of reality that is less than the best one that we could experience in that moment. It means there is a better version of ourselves, other people and the planet that we could be experiencing right now.

If we simply choose to use our feelings of excitement as our navigation tool, as our GPS, we continue to shift to the versions of reality that are in alignment with what we want most.

What if the feeling of excitement IS our experiencing the frequency of energy that allows us to experience the best versions of reality for us?

I mean think about it. When you are having the best day ever, how do you feel? Pretty frikin’ excited right? It only makes sense that the version of reality that we want most would feel pretty frikin’ exciting!

So what if the way to get what we want (in other words, to experience the versions of reality that we want most) is to experience the feelings of excitement as much as we can (in other words to “tune“ our energy to the right frequency as much as we can)?

So by choosing to experience the feelings of excitement as much as possible you are “tuning” your energy to the same frequency that allows you to experience the versions of reality that are the best for you. Knowing that these versions of reality may contain everything you already know you want OR they may contain even better things that you have not yet imagined.

Simply staying “tuned” to the frequency of excitement you are continually shifting to the best versions of reality for you.

You might notice that as you attempt to stay “tuned” to excitement, things come up in life and seam to cause you to feel less than excited.

This is because we have all picked up belief patterns that do not support us in the process of shifting to the versions of reality that are best for us.

In order to consistently stay “tuned” into the frequencies that do support us, we may need to let go of some of these belief patterns.

Here is a simple process called the Possibility Transformer (Turbo Edition) that I’ve been developing that is designed to help you quickly let go of these belief patterns and shift your energy frequency from less than excited to excited.

Any time you are feeling less than excited about something, you can use this simple pattern to transform the experience into an opportunity to let go of a belief that is keeping you from a better version of reality.

Step 1) When you are feeling less than excited about something, ask yourself the following question:

“What am I believing is not possible in order to feel this way?”

Ask this a few times if you need to.

Now rewrite your statement to be in present tense process language. What I mean by that is, make sure it is stated as if it is happening right now and that you use “ing” at the end of the verb, so that it is an ongoing process. For example:

If you wrote something like:

“That I can be happy at my job”, you would rewrite this as:

“That I am being happy at my job”

Step 2) After you have answered question 1 you should have the possibility that you have been keeping yourself from. Then ask yourself this question:

“How would I feel if I knew this is possible?”

This could be one feeling or a whole string of feelings.

Let’s say for our example you wrote: “excited, peaceful and thrilled.”

Step 3) Now plug your answers into the following statement;

The more I am feeling (the answer to question 2) right now no matter what happens, the more (your rewritten answer to question 1) or something even better is happening.

So using our example you would end up with:

The more I am feeling excited, at peace and thrilled right now no matter what happens, the more I am being happy at my job or something even better is happening.

This process is designed to quickly uncover a belief that is keeping you from shifting to a better version of reality and to redesign it so your conscious mind gets our of the way, knows what to do (how specifically to “tune’ your energy frequency) and then also leaves open the possibility that you may shift to an even better version of reality than you have imagined yet.

The ideas about shifting to different versions of reality and excitement being your guide are from this and other Bashar videos:

Try it out!

Here’s a scratch recording of a new song called “A Billion Possible Realities” that I wrote today about this:


For Music that Transforms Your Possibilities and More, visit:

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