Heres a poem I just wrote driving back from recording with the Unlistenables
1440 Minutes
Take a look at your day
Break it down to each minute
List the ones with the bad
And the not so bad in it
Now what’s the percentage?
How many bad minutes were there?
Compared to the not so bad
Don’t have to look further
To notice a fact
That can’t get much stranger
Our perception of life
Being skewed towards the danger
The news and the media
Obsessed with the bad
Seems to show we should believe
The world’s totally mad
But I bet the world’s
Not so different than me
The percentage of bad
Quite the same I believe
Cause everyone I know
Gets one thousand four hundred forty minutes
Of time each day
For stuff to be in it
And most of them usually
Have days like mine
With some bad
But with way more not so bad time
So next time you tune in
To your favorite news caster
Watch TV or a movie
About some calamitous disaster
Remember to look back
Over your day
If you go by the numbers
We’re doing more than O.K.