What if the degree to which you are not experiencing everything as being perfect exactly as it is now, is the degree to which your attention is focused on thoughts that are showing you misinterpretations of the way things really are?
What if you could see through these misinterpretations and rediscover the perfection in your life in only a few minutes?
Try out these 8 simple steps and discover what you may have been overlooking:
“If (answer #1) doesn’t change, that could mean that I am (your answer #2) and that I am not (your answer #3).”
3. Fill in your answer #4:
“If I am (your answer #2) and I am not (your answer #3), that could mean that I am not worthy of (your answer #4).”
4. “If I am not worthy of (your answer #4), that might mean that I am not worthy of all the love that I want.”
Now let’s reverse it. Fill in your answers from above into the following statements:
“If I choose to allow all the love I want into my body now, that could mean I am worthy of all the love I want now.”
Allow yourself to feel what it would feel like to be absolutely certain you are worthy of feeling all the love you want right now. Feel as much as you can in your entire body.
2. “If I am worthy of all the love I want now, that could mean that I am worthy of (your answer #4)”
3. “If I am worthy of (your answer #4), that could mean that I am always (your answer #3) and that I never have to be (your answer #2).”
4. “If I am always (your answer #3) and I never have to be (your answer #2), that could mean that (your answer #1) might be perfect exactly as it is now and all I have to do is notice how.”