The shift from negativity to positivity, the shift from limits to possibilities, the shift from problems to solutions, the shift from turmoil to peace, the shift form doubt to confidence, the shift from unhappiness to happiness and the list goes on.
What if there was one simple shift that could create all the above results for you instantly?
Let’s find out if it’s possible.
What if this one simple shift was simply moving from experiencing yourself as the limited form within your circumstances to experiencing yourself as the unlimited space in which all your circumstances form?
What if as soon as you feel this shifting of your experience of “you” in relation to all your circumstances (or in other words, in relation to everything that happens in your life), all the above results happen naturally?
What if this shift is simply the process of noticing the reality of who you really are as apposed to continuing to focus your attention on the fictitious, false, limited idea of yourself caused by the hypnosis of your cultural conditioning; the “you” that isn’t really real?
So if this is the case, then how do we do it?
What if it is as simple as putting more of your attention on one thing instead of another?
When I went to art school, I learned about the concept of “negative space”. Negative space is simply the idea of the empty space in a drawing or painting between the objects in the picture. Artists learn that the negative space is just as important as the objects in the picture because they both work together to create the composition.
What if this concept has been the missing piece of our life experience? What if our cultural conditioning has simply taught us to filter out the negative space (or the space between objects) and to treat it as unimportant?
What if the space in which all of the objects we perceive sit is actually more important to focus on than the objects themselves?
What if this space is not empty or negative at all, but is actually the unlimited essence of who we really are?
According to many current scientific theories, this is actually the case.
Try this out. Take a look at the picture below and simply practice for a second putting more of your attention on what artists call the “negative space” (or the space that you see between and around the object) than your are on the object itself. Go ahead:
Pretty easy right? Now try the same thing with the objects in your immediate surroundings; simply put more of your attention on the space in between and around all the objects you see than you are putting on the objects themselves. Go ahead.
How did you feel while you did this? Did you notice any change to the way you were feeling while you did this? If not try it for just a little longer this time.
This next time, as you are putting more of your attention on the space than on the objects, say this following phrase repeatedly to yourself (say “yourself” not “myself”):
“Notice yourself as the space in which all you are noticing is.”
“Notice yourself as the space in which all you are noticing is.”
“Notice yourself as the space in which all you are noticing is.”
How do you feel now?
What if the shift from negativity to positivity, the shift from limits to possibilities, the shift from problems to solutions, the shift from turmoil to peace, the shift form doubt to confidence, the shift from unhappiness to happiness and the list goes on, is simply developing and getting really good at the skill of putting more of your attention on the space in which all objects are and of experiencing yourself as that space?
What if?
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Copyright 2013 Andy Harrison