Unhappiness is created by your brain’s neural connections that have been labeled the ego.
The simplest way to understand what the ego is might be to say that the ego is your brain’s assumption that: “I might not be enough to be loved.”
The personality, the story line and the behaviors of the ego develop from it’s attempt to prove that assumption wrong.
All hope and fear is created from this assumption also. Behind all hope is your ego’s hope that it will someday discover through some “thing” that you are enough to be loved.
Behind all fear is your ego’s fear that it will discover through some “thing”, that you are not enough to be loved.
In everyday life, the more certain your ego is that this assumption is wrong, the happier it tells you you can feel, and the more certain your ego is that this assumption is right, the less happy it tells you you can feel.
Lasting happiness is beyond your ego and beyond hope and fear.
Lasting happiness is noticing you are enough to be loved because you are love itself and that no “thing” could ever change that.
What you want the most lies directly through and beyond your ego – on the other side of what it wants the most and what it fears the most.
For words and music that empower, visit: http;//www.AndyHarrisonMusic.com