If you battle with depression or anxiety related feelings and never seam to feel like you can get beyond it for long or if you know someone who does, you are not alone.
These two types of unhappiness continue to be the most common and for good reason.
Some of the latest brain research is suggesting that depression and anxiety and similar emotions may be a result of a four step thinking pattern that your brain learns early on, and then continues to run in the background as you grow up.
After your brain runs this four step pattern about a hundred times or so, it has become a habit that you barely notice. You just end up feeling the results by feeling depressed, anxious and any number of other related emotions.
The good news is there are solutions now. Because of new breakthroughs in brain scanning technologies and the wide dissemination of information from every sector of human life now easily available to us, we are starting to understand how this pattern works and how we can reverse it, possibly for good!
The good news is we are living at the beginning of a time where it’s very possible that no one will have to suffer from depression or anxiety related issues again if they choose not to!
Imagine how amazing it would feel to have the threat of feeling depressed or anxious entirely gone from your experience! How would it feel to wake up each day knowing that you have learned a simple set of, fast, effective and drug free strategies that can instantly reverse feelings of depression or anxiety if they were to ever come up?
The basic way your brain creates the experience of depression or anxiety is by running these four steps:
Step 1) Your brain is triggered by the circumstances in one of the four main areas of your life, either by money, relationships, your health or your sense of purpose. Each of us tend to have one area where this happens most often. Which one is your brain’s favorite? P.S. Health is also the area where we seek power and influence in our lives.
Step 2) Your brain then either thinks back to some past event or events or it projects into the future and imagines some possible future event or events. Each person tends to do one or the other most of the time. Does your brain focus more on the past or the future when this happens?
Step 3) Then your brain uses the event or events to makes a judgment about you. It’s intrinsic neural network (what I call the “I” Box) then assumes that what the past or future event means or might mean is that “you” are not good enough in some way.
Step 4) You then experience some form of either depression or anxiety. If your brain tends to focus on the past, you will feel a form of depression. If it tends to focus on the future, you will feel some form of anxiety. Which one are you most likely to experience?
I’ve been sharing some new strategies to reverse this pattern with several people through the new Grow Happy private coaching that I recently started. These strategies are ones that go far beyond what I wrote in the book “Grow Happy” and so far I’m finding that people are reporting about a three fold increase in their levels of happiness! This is a seven session, one on one coaching program done via Skype or over the phone.
Right now, I’m offering a totally free initial session with no strings attached to anyone reading this post. You can discover the specific pattern your brain has been using and a basic overview of how to reverse it quickly in this free session. I’m not sure how long this offer we be good based on the schedule, so if you’re interested please let me know soon.
Just email me at: AndyAndyHarrisonMusic.com, or message me back here and we’ll schedule your free session.
Depression and anxiety can steal so much time, energy and life from us if we let it.
When we know more about how depression and anxiety work, we can start to do something about it now.
Below is a flow chart of how we create depression and anxiety.
