What if we lived in a world that was showering us with everything we could ever want every moment?
What if this world was intelligent enough to include all the things we currently think we want that we actually will want once we get them and all the things that we don’t even know that we want yet but will want once we get them?
What if this world was also smart enough to not give us all the things that we think we want now but wouldn’t really want if we got them?
How would it feel to live in that kind of world?
Would you feel a little more supported than you do now?
Would you feel a little more grateful and more open to every experience?
Would you feel more confident about trying new things knowing that you couldn’t really fail?
I’d like to suggest that we do live in that world right now.
I’d like to suggest that all the above things have been and are happening to all of us every moment all the time.
I’d like to also suggest that if we are not having the experience of the world I described above, it is because we have simply not learned how to interact with it.
Here’s what I mean:
As I seem to mention a lot, science has discovered that all matter including our physical bodies is made up of the same energy and that what we think of as one thing is not separate from any other thing.
The separateness is simply an illusion created by our minds for convenience.
Studies on energy of all kinds have shown that like energy attracts like energy. You’ve heard that phrase before.
What is becoming more and more apparent is that the matter that shows up in our experience has more to do with the energy we allow into our experience than any other factor; because every “thing” is not really things at all it is just energy.
So in other words: Our experience is a reflection of the energy we choose.
What shows up in our life is a direct reflection of the type and quality of the energy we choose.
We experience the energy we choose most obviously through our feelings; both through our emotions and body sensations. When you choose different energy, you can feel it immediately.
The energy we choose also effects other aspects of our experience including what thoughts we gain access to, what insights come to us to and more.
So if what shows up in our life is a direct reflection of the energy we allow into our experience, then by becoming better at choosing the energy we want to experience, we are also becoming better at choosing the quality of what shows up in our experience.
The better we get at choosing the energy we want, the better our experience becomes.
Remember it is all energy. All the “things” we seem to experience are really just energy and not separated in any way from what we think of as “us” or any “thing” else.
So if we choose a different quality of energy and allow it into our experience, the matter that shows up (the “things”) have no choice but to be of the same quality.
I’d like to suggest that the world we live in is doing everything it can to bring us all the things that we truly want, it is simply waiting for us to choose the right energy.
That is our part in the process. We have to choose the energy we want and what we think of as “life” has to reflect that energy back to us. It has no choice.
What most of us do instead of choosing the energy we allow into our experience is we hold the belief that our circumstances (or in other words “matter“) has the power and responsibility to “make” us feel certain ways.
So instead of choosing the energy we want to experience no matter what is happening and then allowing life to reflect that energy back to us (knowing that we can’t always know exactly what it will look like), we react to whatever circumstances are happening and allow those circumstances to dictate the energy we allow into our experience.
This only perpetuates the same cycle:
We let our circumstances dictate the energy we choose. our circumstance are bad, our energy is bad, life reflects the bad energy back to us and we continue around and around.
This can also work for what some might call “success” but only for a limited time:
We let our circumstances dictate the energy we choose. our circumstances are good, our energy is good, life reflects the good energy back to us and we continue around and around until one time when our circumstances aren’t so good.
Once our circumstances are not good the success cycle is over because we’ve allowed our energy to change.
By always choosing the quality of energy we allow into our experience regardless of what is currently happening in our circumstances, we are always giving life the information it needs to know what to reflect back to us.
You can then use every circumstance as a training session on how to get better at choosing the energy you want. The more challenging the circumstance, the better you’ll get if you simply continue to do the best job you can at choosing the energy that you want.
This makes everything you don’t want in your life right now an asset. Everything you don’t want in your life is now the most powerful opportunity for you to get better at choosing the energy you want.
You know this from your experience. You know the people who always seem to be in some kind of dilemma or crisis? Maybe you know a person like this intimately.
What’s happening to create these circumstances for these people? You can see now that they are simply on the bad energy cycle allowing each new event to dictate them choosing even worse energy and then life has no choice but to reflect that back to them with worse circumstances.
You may have had this happen in your own life.
You could probably pinpoint the exact areas of your life where have a tendency of allowing certain circumstances to dictate the type of energy you choose and then you fall right into the bad energy cycle.
When you really apply the principle of choosing the energy you want first no matter what the circumstances, this can make life fun.
One word of advice though: You have to do this with the intention of choosing the energy because it’s the ENERGY you want and NOT some specific circumstance to change.
Remember, we don’t always know what we want until it happens and sometimes what we think we want, we don’t want at all once we have it.
Simply choosing the energy you want only because that’s what you prefer and for NO OTHER REASON, will allow your brain to be out of the way and let life reflect the energy back in whatever way is best in the moment.
Also know that there is a lag time in this reflecting process. It may take some time for the reflection to change once you choose different energy. If you just do it because it feels good, and don’t even think about the results, life might start to feel like a continual surprise party.
If this seams exciting to you, try this out throughout your day to day.
Periodically (especially when anything challenging happens) ask yourself:
“What energy am I choosing now?”
Here’s a song called “Explore” about this process coming out on the CD Demo-licous Vol 2 soon: