We all know how it feels to have trouble making a decision. When wait for the right insight or the right feeling and it doesn’t come quickly, we can sometimes feel a high level of uncertainty and anxiety.
How would you like to have the ability to make the right insight or the right feeling come to you more quickly – maybe even instantly? How would you like to have the ability to make decisions confidently all the time?
After reading this, you might discover that you already have this ability, you may have just been doing something extra that has gotten in the way of your natural ability to make clear, confident decisions.
Confidence is the ability to interact with the unknown and still feel how you want to.
Confidence is the ability to interact with new, unfamiliar situations and still feel the feelings you want.
Or in teenager speak: (Like) confidence is being able to deal with stuff without freaking out (so, yeah).
This is being responsible or response-able – having the ability to respond.
What gets in the way of us being confident ( and our ability to make clear decisions) is when a situation that is new (the unknown) does not match up with the pictures in our head about how we think things should be in that moment.
This is when people who are not response-able experience what they call “a problem”.
Or in other words, this is when people who are less confident sometimes freak out.
Without there being a picture in your head about how you think things should go, any new unknown situation would be easy to deal with. It would be no different than dealing with any other situation, right?
So the solution to being more confident in life and making clearer decisions, is not building up your idea of yourself and adding some new level of ego to your identity, it’s simply to let go of holding onto pictures in your head about how you think things should go – that’s it.
Once you let go of the habit of holding onto pictures in your head about how you think things should go, you will feel your natural confidence. It’s naturally what is underneath all the extra mental activity that we have grown up being conditioned to think we need.
You might then discover that the only thing you ever have to decide in life is the very next thing you will do – that’s it!
You only ever need to decide what you will do in the very next moment only. Making decisions can feel as easy as having a fun conversation with a really good friend:
Decide on and say only one sentence at a time and then leave a space for your friend (your life) to say something back.