Through finishing the research for my next book on happiness, I’m discovering that every problem we have is essentially one overall problem.
Each person has one main over arching problem that is the template for every problem they experience in life. It’s kind of like the software for all our problems. When you uninstall the software for your problems, you also uninstall all your future problems because you have uninstalled the ability for your brain to create problems in the first place.
The process of uninstalling this software can take a long time or it can happen all at once, as in the cases of some spiritual gurus who became enlightened instantly. Understanding how to recognize the software that is creating all your problems is a huge step in you un installing it when and if you want to, or at the very least, to lessen the amount of problems you experience in your life when you want to.
There are four basic versions of this metal software and each person’s brain tends to choose one that it uses most often. You can discover your brain’s version by recognizing which of these feelings you experience most often:
Not feeling beautiful or attractive
Not feeling respected or honored
Not feeling loved or cared for
Not feeling valued or supported
The four versions have to do with your brain filtering out certain types of energy from your experience. What scientists are calling our intrinsic neural network (also known as the ego), which is a collection of neural connections that begins developing in our brain when we learn to talk, becomes expert at filtering out one of these four types of energy. In other words, your brain has gotten really good at keeping your from feeling one of four types of feelings:
Feeling beautiful
Feeling powerful
Feeling loveable
Feeling valuable
So anytime you experience a problem, at the root of it, is your brain’s inability to feel one of these feelings. So for example, if you are having a problem with your significant other, and your brain’s software is the “not feeling beautiful” version, then you will experience the problem as not feeling seen as beautiful by the other person. If your brain’s software is the “not feeling powerful” version, you will experience the problem as not feeling respected by the other person. It’s the same thing with the other two varieties.
Because our brains have gotten so good at not allowing us to feel these feelings, we unconsciously try to get our circumstances to give those feelings to us. But this never really works because our circumstances don’t actually have that power. Us choosing to feel a feeling is the only way we can actually feel feelings. Whenever we think our circumstances are making us feel a certain way, it is simply that we are not aware that our brain is giving us the permission to feel it in that circumstance.
Once you discover which version of the software your brain is running, then anytime you experience something as a problem, you have a powerful way to begin solving the immediate problem from the inside out, and you have a way to begin or continue the un installation process of your brain’s problem software at the same time.
So if your brain is running the “not feeling beautiful” software, the solution to any of your problems is for you to choose to feel beautiful now, regardless of what the situation is.
If your brain is running the “not feeling powerful” software, the solution to any of your problems is for you to choose to feel powerful now, regardless of what the situation is.
If your brain is running the “not feeling loved” software, the solution to any of your problems is for you to choose to feel lovable now, regardless of what the situation is.
If your brain is running the “not feeling valued” software, the solution to any of your problems is for you to choose to feel valuable now, regardless of what the situation is.
So the next time you are having a problem, big or small, you can simply choose the feeling that’s missing or you can step into it more gradually and increase your ability to do it more over time.
If you’d like some steps to help you do that, here are three to try:
Simply notice how your feeling and what energy seems to be missing. Are you not feeling beautiful, powerful, loveable or valuable?
Ask yourself “How am I assuming I am not beautiful, powerful, loveable or valuable (choose the right word for you) in this situation?
Choose to let the assumption go and allow yourself to feel yourself being the source of all the beauty, power, love or value (choose the right word for you) in your life now.
If this feels challenging, ask yourself “what would it feel like to be absolutely certain I am the source of all the beauty, power, love or value (choose the right word for you) in my life now?”
Over time, or maybe all at once, you are uninstalling your brain’s problem software and you are solving all your problems from the inside out.