Happiness is Balancing These 2 Simple Skills:
1) Relaxing into the known and
2) Exploring the unknown
Life is the process of interacting with two seemingly apposing things:
The the known and the unknown.
We find the feeling of safety in the known and we find the feeling of freedom in the unknown.
We could say that happiness with something is feeling enough safety and enough freedom at the same time; a perfect balance between the two.
When we focus too much on the known with something though, we can experience boredom and when we focus too much on the unknown we can experience overwhelm or fear.
So we could say happiness is a result of balancing how much we focus on the known and the unknown.
We can think of happiness as balancing how much we use these two skills:
Relaxing into the known and
Exploring the unknown
If we feel a lack of safety with something, we can simply relax into what we know about it more and this will bring us more into balance; it will result in us feeling happier about it.
If we feel a lack of freedom with something, we can simply explore what we don’t yet know about it more, and this will result in us feeling happier about it.
What’s happening today in your life that you could bring more into balance now by either:
Relaxing into the known more or
Exploring the unknown more?