Life’s ultimate goal is for you to know yourself more fully.
Life’s job is to create painful situations that you find challenging to accept.
The purpose of these painful situations is to provide you with opportunities to know who you are beyond any thought about who you are.
The purpose is to help you more easily stop investing your attention, time and energy in thoughts about who you are and to notice you are life itself.
Since you are life itself. this is the process of you freeing yourself from any and all misinterpretations of who you are so you can know yourself more fully.
This is you helping yourself.
The more committed you are to a particular thought about who you are, the more trapped in it you are.
That’s why the more committed you are to a particular thought about who are, the more challenging the situations will become for it until you become free from that thought.
This is because the human body is first motivated by avoiding pain and then by moving towards pleasure.
Life needs to make these situations painful enough that you become motivated to stop investing your attention, time and energy in these thoughts.
Life is simply making your choice more clear – keep investing in this thought and experience more pain, or explore who you are beyond this thought.
Sometimes life has to create situations where someone continuing to invest in a particular thought about who they are becomes so unbearable that they feel their only options are to stop investing or die.
When you accept that life’s job is to create these painful situations for your benefit, you can suddenly feel grateful knowing that all of your life is completely on your side – even the challenging parts.
When you accept that life’s goal is for you to know yourself more fully, you can begin to work with life more fully by accepting everything that happens more quickly knowing that everything that happens is for your benefit.
You can relax more about your life turning out better in the future because that’s what it is always doing – it is continuing to get better – and it’s not willing to leave you behind.
You can relax knowing life has you covered.